Day by Day cartoon

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Not much sitting and relaxing this week-

Monday was a trip to the desert with Kenny. There was 'sno bunnies to kill but we did have a good time burning some gun powder and getting the truck truly muddy.

Last night was a trip to Salt Lake City for an appointment that was an all evening affair. Tonight is dinner at Rickenbacker's on the company's dime and we should be eating pretty good tonight. Drinks too!

Tomorrow is Kenny's retirement luncheon. Friday is a trip to Draper to see an LDS temple that is open to the public for a short time before it is sanctified and closed to prying, unworthy eyes. Saturday will be a day of ticket checking at Powder Mountain and later, dinner with Kennie and Susie.

So full tummies but not much rest time on this week's agenda!

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